
What Is Reddit Karma and What's It Used For?

If you are new to Reddit, you must be very curious what is Karma on Reddit? 

Hinduism identifies karma as the relationship between a person's mental or physical action and the consequences following that action. It also signifies the consequences of all the actions of a person in their current and previous lives and the chain of cause and effect in morality. 

While Karma on Reddit isn't the same but it relies somewhat on the idea of cause and effect. Reddit needs users to earn digital "karma" by participating within its subreddit communities.

When you join Reddit, you'll see a number on your profile. This is your post karma and comment karma.

In this article, we are going to answer the following questions: 

  • What is karma on Reddit? 
  • What are they used for? 
  • How do you earn karma on Reddit?

What is karma on Reddit?

Reddit karma is like a user's score you get when you post and comment on Reddit.

What Are They Used For? 

New users may find themselves asking: what are karma used for on Reddit? 

Post karma---You get Reddit post karma when people upvote anything that you post; you lose it when you get downvoted.              

Comment karma --- You get comment karma when Reddit users upvote your comments, and you lose karma when they downvote your comments. 

Awarder Karma--- If you give someone an award, you will gain awarder Karma 

Awardee Karma---If you receive an award, you will receive awardee Karma.

Can You Lose Karma on Reddit?

Yes, as we mentioned above, when your post or comment gets downvoted, you lose Reddit karma in the process. You're going to lose karma quickly and easily if you upset enough people.

Yes, karma is important! If you don't have enough karma, you are not allowed to create posts in some communities, so let's go to our next question!

How do you earn karma on Reddit?

1. Join Some Popular Subreddits

Popular subreddits means more community members and more exposure. When you join Reddit first, it will recommand you some popular subreddits for you to join,  like r/ChatGPT, r/funny, r/pics, which have millions of people , so if you post something that goes viral among them, you can earn lots of karma from that post.

The downside to lots of communities like these is that they're heavily moderated, and even if you manage to post as a newbie, you might have a hard time cutting through the noise.

2. Create Attractive and High-quality Post

This is the basic rule or requirement on social media if you want to get more likes, upvotes or followers. You have to create posts people like.

3. Discuss Hot Topics

There's always a heated discussion happening on Reddit. If you have something to say about the latest trending news,  you can make your voice heard here.

The tricky part here is that hot topics can be extremely polarizing, meaning you're almost as likely to get downvoted as you are to earn positive Reddit karma.

4. Comment First and Make a Good Point of View

Another good strategy is to monitor new posts in popular subreddits and to be the first one to comment. If the post gets hot, your comment will go up with it by sheer proximity. It won't get upvoted just because it's the first one, however. Also make sure your comment is attrctive.

A comment with thousands of upvotes simply expresses a point of view. The more people agree with you, the more upvotes you will get.

5. Ask and Answer on r/AskReddit

One of the biggest subreddits is r/AskReddit which has 40.4 million members.  You can ask questions or answer questions here to engage with other people. It's like a mini Quora, right? You can see many questions there and leave your comments. If enough people think your question is worth asking, or your comments are agreeable, they'll likely add thousands of points to your karma.